Category: Cosmic Matters

  • A Mirror’s Perfect Reflection

    If you think washing the mirrors and windows in your home is a daunting task, imagine cleaning two of the largest light-collecting surfaces in the astronomy world—the twin 10-meter Keck […]

  • Dancing White Dwarfs

    Dancing White Dwarfs

    The UCSB team that discovered a white dwarf binary. Left to Right: David Kaplan, Justin Steinfadt, Avi Shporer, Lars Bildsten. Credit: George Foulsham, Office of Public Affairs, UCSB. Astrophysicists using […]

  • Best in Show

    University of Hawaiʻi photographer R. David Beales won Best in Show at the University Photographers Association of America, or UPAA, competition for his December 2009 image “Mauna Kea Summit,” which […]

  • Goldstein to showcase art at Keck Observatory

    Laurie Goldstein, an artist in North Kohala, created her first work of art at age five. With a cardboard tracing of her foot, some ribbon and blue and gold paint, […]

  • Discovery Channel features Keck Observatory

    Discovery Channel features Keck Observatory

    The Keck II telescope’s Laser Guide Star fires into the night sky. Credit: Sarah Anderson. Black Holes, the most powerful destroyers in the Universe, the most mysterious phenomena in the […]

  • New Children’s Book Explores the Hunt for Other Worlds

    New Children’s Book Explores the Hunt for Other Worlds

    Vicki Oransky Wittenstein, author of Planet Hunter, stands in front of the Keck telescope. Credit: Sarah Anderson. Planet Hunter: Geoff Marcy and the Search for Other Earths, published in 2010 […]

  • Cosmic photo Album Earns Astronomer AAS Prize

    Cosmic photo Album Earns Astronomer AAS Prize

    A native of Italy, Tommaso Treu, now a UC Santa Barbara astrophysicist, earned degrees at University of Pisa and the Scuola Normale Superiore and was a graduate student at the […]

  • Keck Observatory Featured in NOVA Documentary

    Keck Observatory Featured in NOVA Documentary

    PBS Hawai’i aired Hunting the Edge of Space, a documentary exploring how the telescope has expanded our view of the Universe. The program features planet hunter Geoff Marcy and his […]

  • Exploring New Worlds

    Exploring New Worlds

    UC Berkeley planet hunter Geoff Marcy watches the sun set from the Keck telescopes on Mauna Kea. Credit: WMKO. Geoff Marcy, an astronomer at UC Berkeley, began searching for worlds […]