W. M. Keck Observatory
Upcoming Events
A Day in the Life of Keckies

Fresh Meal Kits for Hawai’i Island Keiki
Mahalo Vibrant Hawai’i and Kaukau4Keiki for providing fresh, locally-sourced meal kits to students whose families are experiencing food scarcity during the summer …

Hot Meals at St. James Episcopal Church in Waimea
About 600 free hot meals each week – that’s how much St. James Episcopal Church in Waimea generously provides. Recently, …

Mālaʻai Garden Restoration
It’s an outdoor living classroom serving students for nearly two decades 🌱 At Mālaʻai Garden, the culinary garden at Waimea …

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Donations are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. Keck Observatory is registered as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
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