Astronomy Talk: First Light in the Universe, The End of the Cosmic Dark Ages

This Cosmic Video was produced from the June 19, 2014 Astronomy Talk given at Kahilu Theatre. The original description is below:In the first several hundred million years after the Big Bang, the Universe was too hot for stars and galaxies to form. As the Universe cooled and its expansion slowed, gravity caused the first stars […]

Astronomy Talk: Zooming into the Center of our Galaxy with Keck Observatory

The Galactic Center Group at UCLA has used the W. M. Keck Observatory for the past two decades to observe the center of the Milky Way at the highest angular resolution possible. This work established the existence of a supermassive black hole at the heart of our Galaxy. In this talk, Dr. Leo Meyer, Research […]

Astronomy Talk: Examining the Planet-Forming Zone Around New Stars

W. M. Keck Observatory astronomer Greg Doppmann will give a talk on circumstellar disks that surround newly formed stars. The inner regions of such disks are where rocky, and perhaps Earth-like planets are believed to form. Searching these planet-forming environments for compounds that promote life, such as water and organic molecules, is the focus of […]

Astronomy Talk: The Search for Other Earths

Andrew Howard, astronomer from the University of Hawaii’s Institute for Astronomy, will give an illuminating talk about the hunt for exoplanets and the quest for another Earth. Since 1995, more than 3,000 exoplanets have been discovered. Many of these planets look nothing like the planets of our Solar System — strange orbits, unusual compositions, and unknown […]

Astronomy Talk: The Wonder of Comet ISON, A Relic From the Beginning of the Solar System

Dr. Carey Lisse, head of NASA’s Comet ISON Observation Campaign, will present a timely talk on how and when comets were formed, and where they come from. Also a Senior Research Scientist with Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Lisse will relate how comets may have helped start life on the Earth, and also how they may have ended […]

Astronomy Talk: He Lani Ko Luna — A Sky Above

Chad Kālepa Baybayan is captain and navigator of the Hawaiian deep-sea voyaging canoes Hōkūle’a, Hawai’iloa, and Hōkūalaka’i. Baybayan will give a fascinating presentation on the history of oceanic wayfinding in the Pacific and the efforts to revitalize this once-dynamic maritime culture by exploring the symbiotic relationship between land, sea, sky, and people. He currently serves […]

Template: Astronomy Talk: Astronomy Talk Title

Guest SpeakerSteven Finkelstein Speaker Title (e.g. Professor or Chief Scientist) Speaker Organization (e.g. W. M. Keck Observatory or University of Santa Cruz) Insert the text from the body of the astronomy talk poster that summarizes this specific astronomy talk. Insert the video below the horizontal line by clicking “Add Media” in the top left, selecting […]