2012 Astronomy Lecture Series – Jessica Lu (UH)

<strong>Stars born in extreme environments</strong>Many stars like the Sun were born in fairly quiet regions of the Milky Way galaxy.  Others formed in very extreme environments, including those around the […]

Solar System Walk 2012

<strong>Fun and Learning for the Whole Family!</strong>Grab your Solar System Passport and take a stroll along the Big Island’s own planet walk.  On this scale-model journey, learn interesting facts about […]

2012 Astronomy Lecture Series – Ben Zuckerman (UCLA)

Title: Violent events in rocky planetary systems: Implications for the fate of technological civilizations, including our own<a href=”http://personnel.physics.ucla.edu/directory/faculty/zuckerman”>View Astronomer’s Website</a>

Keck Observatory Open House: Welcome to Our Universe

Saturday, March 16, from 11 am to 3 pm. Free and open to the Public. A unique collection of hands on exhibits, demonstrations and presentations brought together by Keck Observatory […]

Star Struck Video

Star Struck from Keck Observatory on Vimeo.

Astronomy Talk: He Lani Ko Luna — A Sky Above

Chad Kālepa Baybayan is captain and navigator of the Hawaiian deep-sea voyaging canoes Hōkūle’a, Hawai’iloa, and Hōkūalaka’i. Baybayan will give a fascinating presentation on the history of oceanic wayfinding in […]

Live from Keck: Comet ISON Observing Run

07:30 am – 08:30 am Pacific 10:30 am – 11:30 am EasternJoin us for a rare look into an observing run at the W. M. Keck Observatory, home of the largest […]