Cosmic Movie: Particle Fever

DOORS OPEN AT 6:00p MOVIE STARTS AT 6:30pFor the first time, a film gives audiences a front row seat to a significant and inspiring scientific breakthrough as it happens. Particle Fever follows […]

TEDx Kamuela

Our very own Greg Wirth and Jason Chin will be be two of the presenters at this first-ever TEDx event at the Kahilu Theatre. Please go to: for tickets and more information. 

Waimea Solar System Walk

The Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope and W. M. Keck Observatory are sponsoring the Waimea Solar System Walk from 10am-2pm on November 8th. The walk turns Waimea into a scale model of our […]

Cosmic Cup: Hawaiian-Style Polo Match Fundraiser

Please join us for a festive, Hawaiian-style polo afternoon and support the frontiers of discovery! The match is being held in conjunction with the Mauna Kea Polo Club.Gates Open at […]

Life in the Universe: The Science of Astrobiology

Is life common in the universe, or rare? Humans have pondered this question for millennia. Today we are privileged to be able to bring the tools of modern science to […]