Science Steering Committee

Mail List address for all SSC Members and associates:
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Mail List address for SSC Executive Members:
[Non-executive member posts will be held for moderation before being delivered to list members]

SSC Membership and Contact Information

Chuck Steidel (Caltech, Co-chair)ccs(at)
Jessica Lu (UC Berkeley, Co-Chair)jlu.astro(at)
Chas Beichman (Exec. Director, NASA Exoplanet Science Institute NExScl, ex-officio)1chas(at)
Mike Fitzgerald (UCLA, voting)mpfitz(at)
Jessie Dotson (NASA)jessie.dotson(at)
Joshua Schlieder (NASA)joshua.e.schlieder(at)
Lynne Hillenbrand (Caltech)lah(at)
Andrew Howard (Caltech)ahoward(at)
Tucker Jones (UC Davis)tdjones(at)
Doug Simons (UH, IfA, ex-officio)1dsimons(at)
Mike Liu (UH)mliu(at)
Bruce Macintosh (UCO/UCSC, ex-officio)1bamacint(at)
Chris Martin (Caltech, COO, ex-officio)1coo-director(at)
Jean Brodie (Swinburne University)jbrodie(at)
Jeffrey Chilcote (Notre Dame, non-voting)jchilcote(at)
Jason Wang (Northwestern University, non-voting)
Pieter van Dokkum (Yale, non-voting)pieter.vandokkum(at)

To email a member of this committee, replace (at) with @ in the above list.

  1. Director of UCO, COO, or IfA ↩︎